The Sun in the Crucible

It’s for no small reason that gold remains one of the most desirable of our mother Earth’s treasures. Whether as an enriching adornment, a measure of economic power, or as a critical component within any number of the gadgets and technologies that facilitate modern life, this noble elemental metal has been the stuff of lust and legend since time immemorial. Indeed, it was forged deep in the heart of an ancestral star, and so its radiance reminds us that we are but star-dust, and to star-dust we will return.

The issue with gold, however, is that it rarely (if ever) comes out of the earth in usable form. While part of its desirability comes from its malleability, gold is so malleable that it often absorbs the influences and detritus of the minerals surrounding it in its earthen cradle. It flakes and flows down streams to be found by desperate panners, who sift through the muck to find the evidence of richer veins upstream. It is, if left untreated, little more than a chunk of dirty metal.

That’s where the exultant work of the refiner’s fire comes in. We often think of fire as something that can only destroy, that can only erase, that can only consume, but we often don’t consider the ways in which fire can be used to rarefy and purify metals and alloys to states where they can be used in ways only dreamed of by the sleeping metals in their earthen womb.

The raw mineral finds its way to the crucible; the refiner’s fire melts the gold and its purest factors run together, settling at the bottom, closest to the heat source. Meanwhile the undesired matter, which limits the radiance and utility of the gold, floats to the top to be removed and burned off by the unyielding heat.

The celestial gold in our charts, the energy which causes the engines of our souls to turn over, is signified by the Sun, the heavenly king. Whichever part of our natal chart the Sun presides over through rulership (that is, wherever Leo is in our charts), we find our life’s purpose oriented to the pursuit of that house’s priorities; likewise, wherever the Sun stands in our chart by house signifies the resources we have to make that desire a reality. When we uncover that rich vein of purpose for the first time we gain insight into the economics of our soul; we learn where we must invest our energies in order to reap the reward of satisfaction and a purposeful life.

But simply knowing the vein of gold is there does not, by itself, make that wisdom accessible to us. Just as gold must be refined to return to the state it was created to be, so must our natal Suns be assayed by fire and heat and pressure to become truly radiant. There are any number of ways in which this might happen—for me, it occurred in a special way at my Saturn return, for the Dark Lady is in a partile square with my natal Sun. But for all of us, as the Sun makes his yearly course through the zodiac, once a year he will encounter the unseen crucible and secret fire signified by Pluto, the bringer of change.

Pluto, one of whose glyphs represents a crucible, is most potent among the planets for his ability to generate the level of unseen heat required to purify the heaviest of elements. If the symbolic fires which Mars kindles are bright red and radiant, Pluto’s fire is even hotter—so hot that it is invisible to the human eye, its radiation more akin to gamma ray bursts than the fires of war.

The power of Pluto is a power that exists on the level of the edge of the cosmos; just as intensely hot and stupendously powerful quasars form the outer limit of the observable universe, so the astrological Pluto’s stupendous intensity forms the outer limit of our Solar System. No one passes him unchanged, even if that change is not visible to the naked eye at first.

So as the Sun conjoins Pluto on this January morning (for those in the United States), expect the subtler matter of your natal Sun to be melted into a purer form and the baser materials to be vaporized. This is the second act in the Sun’s three-stage purification happening over the first part of the month, too; the first was the solar eclipse last weekend, wherein the Sun’s pretenses were shed, and we experienced the shedding of the comfortable lies that we tell ourselves to contain our brightness.

The second is this conjunction to Pluto, which will render the Sun more malleable than ever and prepare it to be shaped into tools, adornments, and currencies beyond our wildest imagination.

The third will be the Sun’s meeting with the Dragon’s Tail, whose abyssal vortex will humble and rectify the Sun and give it the gift of perspective. This three-fold purification precedes the Sun’s journey into Aquarius, where he will work out the gifts of his re-creation through hard labors, accomplishing Saturn’s priorities with the new Solar tools he has been given (more on that next week).

On the other side of this gauntlet, the Sun will have been refined in the invisible fire, its dross burned away, and the newly-forged ingot quenched in the vortex, that he may offer his radiance in all righteousness and free of the comfortable lies that he tells himself to assuage his fears and the noxious cloud of public opinion that his radiance attracts. Fear not for the Sun’s passage through Saturn’s home of Aquarius, for he shall pass through as a prophet.

Leo Rising

The Sun’s journey of purification is impacting your self-concept, your health, and your appearance, employing hard work and discipline to effect their purposes. Accept the crucible’s lessons with all humility and you shall shine all the brighter for it.

Virgo Rising

The Moon, the Refiner, and the Dragon’s Tail have set their sights on the limiting beliefs that you hold for yourself, using your very creations as a means of transfiguration. Welcome the new work which you will unexpectedly render.

Libra Rising

The refining process for you regards the company you keep and your fidelity thereto. Things hidden will be revealed as a result of this process and new foundations will be laid for you to create peace anew among those who hold your trust, and whose trust you hold.

Scorpio Rising

Ready yourself to embrace the clarity of vision for your profession that the crucible will create for you and be willing to endure the sometimes-painful process of disregarding what other people have to say about your growth.

Sagittarius Rising

Though you are blessed with uncanny radiance for the better part of this year and may not feel like you have anything to worry about, remember that this radiance will come to an end—a little preparation goes a long way. You can’t serve God and Mammon, but you can make Mammon serve God. The refiner will show you how.

Capricorn Rising

Be ready to die to the old ways of containing yourself that you may put on the life that having clarity of purpose bring. And you’ll want to make sure that your credit cards aren’t crushing you, either.

Aquarius Rising

The boon of partnership is allowing you to explore unforeseen depths from your castle of isolation, and as the shackles of respectability come off, you will be able to join your voice to those of prophets and sages past in unexpected and supremely powerful ways.

Pisces Rising

Duty to your friends is demonstrating how much the people in your company rely upon you in concrete ways, so don’t neglect these earthly connections even as you strive after transcendence and success for the remainder of this year.

Aries Rising

Though your creations are being put through the ringer right now, there’s little need to despair, as that very work will be able to set a table in the wilderness for all those wild souls who gather around you once the refiner is through with it.

Taurus Rising

The old is passing away, and behold, the new is bursting onto the scene, drawing your attention to parts and pathways unknown and readying to bring a renewed sense of vision to the work to which your soul has set its hand.

Gemini Rising

Though you pride yourself on your golden tongue, remember all that’s been said of gold here. When the words fail to come, it is at that precise moment that the refiner’s heat has struck you. Do not fail to learn the lesson of speechlessness.

Cancer Rising

Those in partnership with you have much to say about the resources you so jealously guard, and while it may feel now that you are losing control, remember that holding gifts with open palms (or open pincers in your case) allows you to accept the lavish abundance that has yet to come to you.

Horary Adventures: My Coworker Vanished!

It’s a little too easy to write horary astrology off as “telling the future” because that seems to be the way it’s been cast in the astrological world. Now, that’s not necessarily incorrect at all—a skilled practitioner working with a radical chart can read a series of unfolding events like a book. But what seems to be one of horary’s better-kept secrets is that it can be used for locating missing possessions, pets, and persons. That’s because horary is not so much as a predictive art but rather an apocalyptic art: it “pulls away the veil” (in Greek, apocalypsis) to show what’s really happening in the present moment.

To this end, I want to give an example of a chart I read for a friend that offers a fantastic insight into the way that horary can give powerful and accurate descriptions of unfolding events, and how it can help find missing people.

On July 11th, one of my friends (who was also one of my roommates at UAC) sent along a chart that he had drawn to locate a missing coworker. Since my friend had asked the question and already drawn the chart, the chart had already been “called into being” so there was no reason for me to draw my own chart. Otherwise I would have done so, using my location at that moment to orient the chart. This judgment happened in real time on a Discord server, which made it even more exciting.

Screenshot 2018-08-11 15.37.56

First off we see that there’s no agreement between the planetary hour and the ascendant ruler, but as the question is somewhat pressing and none of the angles are afflicted by a malefic, it’s appropriate to move forward with judgment. Since this question is being asked in a general way about someone who is absent, we are going to take the first house to represent the quesited. Lilly writes in book one of Christian Astrology,

“If a question be demanded of one absent in a general way, and the querent hath no relation to the party; then the first house, the lord of that house and the Moon shall signify the absent party; the lord of the eighth house or planet posited in the house or within five degrees of the cusp of the eighth house shall show his death or its quality” (151).

That gives us Mars as the primary significator of the quesited, as Mars rules the ascendant degree (19º Scorpio 43′). We also take the Moon as a co-significator of the question, which we immediately see is in the eighth house, having just ingressed into her home base of Cancer, separating from the sextile of the Sun and applying to the sextile of Venus. When we see the moon having just changed signs, we know that there has been a recent event that has changed circumstances, and since this is a cardinal sign, it is a very recent event.

When I initially looked at the chart, I saw the Moon-Saturn opposition almost immediately (because I’m somewhat macabre by nature), as this would have been a signification of some harm having come to the quesited, as Mars is in one of Saturn’s signs—but this ended up being a red herring.

Speaking of Venus, it should be noted that Venus here is the only angular traditional planet. She is conjunct the midheaven, in the most elevated position of the chart, and receives the counsel of the Moon from her dignities of triplicity and face; note that here I’m using Dorothean triplicities and Egyptian terms. It’s interesting that the Moon separates from a planet that rules no sign and applies to the planet who serves as ruler of the 7th, the 11th, and the 12th—Venus here signifies overt enemies and sources of sorrow or isolation, but she also signifies friends (hold onto this). So there are multiple layers of meaning that can be sussed out of this, but to spend too much time on that may cause us to chase rabbit trails of symbolism that don’t bear fruit. So, I’ll put a pin in this. We also must consider that Venus is in the sign of her fall in a very powerful place, like an incompetent middle manager given charge of an entire branch of a company.

Since the coworker disappeared from work, I wondered whether this had something to do with the boss. We see that the ruler of the midheaven, who would signify bosses, is Mercury, is near maximum elongation at the north node, yet peregrine in Leo. It also happens that Mercury’s last aspect, barring contacts with the Moon, was an opposition to Mars, which applied mutually with Mars retrograde. Since Mercury is in Leo and Mars is in Aquarius, I judged that one of the precipitating events for the coworker’s disappearance was a conflict with the boss that had been slow-burning for a long time (both planets are in fixed and cadent houses). Thematic in this judgment is a conflict between a wordy, braggadocious, egotistical manager, and an employee who is ready to fight sideways and whose will is utterly fixed leading up to this point.

Let’s return to our quesited’s significator, Mars. I judged the person in question to be middling height tending tall, strongly built, sharp angular features, probably with some notable scars or burns, and someone who tends to get in fights about inane things. Grant confirmed this to be true, writing, “he is a fairly tall, slim but well-built former professional BMX racer, handsome angular face (boss nicknamed him “mcSteamy” ew), with significant tattooing all over his arms and chest.”

Notice what my friend said the boss nicknamed the quesited, and consider, one, Mercury in Leo signfying the boss, and two, Venus in her fall conjoined the midheaven, influencing how the boss is going to behave. Venus in fall is given to, well, wantonness and disregard for appropriate boundaries. Because of Venus’ angularity, that’s going to figure significantly into the overall flavor of this chart.

Mars is retrograde and peregrine in a cadent house, conjunct the south node. I judged that the coworker was probably still alive, since there are no applying contacts between Mars and the eighth ruler Mercury, but he’s probably not coming back.

An additional consideration on the “is he alive” question is the fact that the Sun is applying directly to the trine of the Ascendant, which is a very positive sign, not only for the status of the quesited but it likewise testifies that they will be found. Because the Moon was applying to Venus from a cardinal sign, I suggested he might reach out to a friend presently. This is one of the challenges of horary—determining which layer of symbolism to use when there are several different possible directions to judge, but I happened to land on the correct one here because the quesited’s friends had already begun reaching out to attempt to get in touch with him.

So, to sum the judgment up: he’s alive, he got mad, he left, he hates the boss, he’s not coming back, and he’ll reach out to a friend after a short while but it’ll be when he’s ready to; we’re not going to “find” him on our own. I supposed at the time that he was somewhere in a high elevation frequented by people but somewhat inaccessible (Mars in Aquarius in a cadent house).

The outcome: it happened that at 9:52PM local time that same evening, the quesited contacted a mutual friend and reported that, indeed, he had simply walked out because he hated both the boss and the manager, and that the pay was too low to drive a malfunctioning truck. Mars has natural rulership of vehicles with combustion engines, and in this case, Mars is retrograde, peregrine, and cadent—meaning that the last straw in the querent’s decision to abruptly leave was the malfunctioning truck, which was unreliable despite having been repaired. Fantastic!

My friend explained a few weeks after the fact, “[my coworker] was hired to do local deliveries in the company truck. The week before, it had suffered a somewhat severe breakdown when a cable snapped, causing it to be stuck in reverse. The vehicle had been repaired over the weekend and he was supposed to be taking it out on the road when he left it parked outside the building and vanished with no communication.”

Bonus round: I want to show you something very cool, and it’s moments like the following where horary gets really weird and magical: let’s take a look at the chart for 9:52PM, the moment that the coworker reached out to a mutual friend.

Screenshot 2018-08-11 15.37.43

Look at the Moon. At the moment that the missing coworker made contact to a friend, the Moon had just perfected the square to the cusp of the 11th house in the original horary chart to the degree (4º Libra 07′).* Moreover, the Moon’s opposition to Saturn perfects at the same moment, who is placed in the event chart 11th house and ruling the event chart’s ascendant. The quesited’s message to the friend cemented the finality of the situation in a Saturn-in-Capricorn fashion: he ain’t coming back to that job, full stop.

If you have something going on in your life that you’re interested in approaching with horary, now that you’ve seen how precise and to-the-point it can be, I encourage you to get in touch!

Featured image by Allef Vinicius via Unsplash.

*This little dollop of magic illustrates why I do not use the increasingly popular whole sign house system in horary astrology.

Daily Horoscopes – 31 July 2018

The Moon continues her trip through supernal Pisces, where her journey through an electric fog brings her face to face with Venus in an open confrontation. Venus is especially inclined to hear what the Moon has to say as the Moon comes to her smelling of her favorite vacation spot.


A figure from the past whom you had once believed to have fallen by the wayside brings an arresting word from an unconsidered source that offers wizened council as regards your current fruitless striving to make your figures work, whether your financial projections or your relational projections. Said wisdom might get lost in translation, though.


An amicable neighbor with questionable boundaries makes a sudden appearance at your dinner table. They bring with them electric advice about how to throw down a wider spread and draw the focus away from your own pleasure so that you can draw other people into the feast—and, perhaps surprisingly, you take them at their word.


If your dues didn’t get paid yesterday due to having missed your signal, you’ll have another startling chance to do the same today—and perhaps the starkness of the bill might cause you to reconsider how deep your life’s foundations have been built. All the same, a deep delight lies hidden among the darkness into which it has fallen.


The day reminds you that the crucible of partnership is one of the most vital ways in which your self-concept and your view of the world around you have cracked open and grown exponentially in the recent season. Such reminder comes when you find yourself in a face to face confrontation with an old friend thinking aloud to yourself, “how would my parents handle this?”


It will be very easy for your internal anxiety to seep through the cracks in your effulgent exterior today when your awareness of all the ways you don’t measure up to your own expectations are brought to bear in a conflict with a superior about your paycheck. Get your money but don’t lose yourself in the process; the anxiety is an illusion.


A supple and subtle friend not-so-gently nudges you out of the seemingly endless spiral of self-reflection that you’ve been caught in for the past few weeks as you’ve been mindfully re-arranging your mental furniture to create a cognitive schema worthy to be featured on HGTV. Go with them when they bring with them an invitation to party.


If your vocation is not giving you the satisfaction it once did, how much of that is rooted in facts outside your control and how much is simply part and parcel of your self-concept right now? Consider the ways that you feel indebted to balance the other. Have you boxed yourself into a corner by attempting to seek peace with others at all costs?


A sumptuous banquet becomes the battleground on which your stupendous vision of the world will come up against the very ways that you unduly limit yourself when a conflict erupts with a friend or partner about this very thing. There is no need to believe what you are told simply because it’s in the neighborhood’s water supply.


Fear for a friend’s wellbeing after a wash of disconnection from them causes you to charge in with all the powers at your disposal to come to their aid. But do beware of helping overmuch in your eagerness to be of dutiful service to them; their friendship has never been predicated on what you can do for them, but rather the way you enrich them simply due to your presence.


Connections with your old stomping ground are in flux today as you push the envelope at a neighborhood barbecue. Not everyone wants to be told how problematic they are, even less so from their obnoxious neighbor. The transformation that you want to effect won’t be done with grandstanding and pontification; small conversations and quiet moments of joy are where the real transformations happen.


Hard work doesn’t seem to be ameliorating the ever-present diffuseness of your bank account, much to your chagrin, but at least a jolt of recognition catches you today and helps you to understand ways to structure your energies more efficiently. Perhaps considering the task ahead of you not as a mundane task but as a spiritual discipline might be the turn of understanding you need.


The joy that comes your way today, with intensive support from the joyful company you keep, can offer a resplendent suggestion to a neighbor with whom you’ve become close. Look for such an opportunity as the day wears on for in joining hands to share the riches a good Earth has to offer you will make your own joy complete.

Interested in a customized look at your unique astrological situation? Book a consultation today!

Daily Horoscopes — 29 July 2018

The Moon stands off against a brassy and bombastic Mercury prior to moving into Pisces as she decreases in light. The Moon has Face rulership at her degree in Aquarius and happens is in Mercury’s triplicity at the time of the opposition, meaning Mercury is only slightly inclined to hear what she has to say… but Mercury is retrograde at this point, so he’s slogging backwards toward a confrontation and the Moon isn’t keen on it.


Opposing volleys of words at a family get-together superheat the air and you can’t get enough of it. If there’s a way for you to take delight in the exchange without making it worse for all parties involved, go ahead—but be careful that you don’t put yourself in a position where you find the remarks might be made about you.


An interesting situation arises at work where the foundations you have been laying for a creative endeavor are now under studied scrutiny by your coworkers, and yet, you seem to enjoy having the opposition as it gives you the chance to dig in your heels even further, adamant that your vision for a way forward with the project is right (as it always has been, you’re sure). Enjoy that fun while it lasts.


You don’t need to go far to find your fortune falling all around like pennies from heaven—just a few trips around town will do the job, and you’ll be able to find them wherever you end up today. Just remember that these serendipities are only worth pennies, and you can expect them to sting a little when they hit you from a distance.


What emerged as a wash of anxious inner dialogue yesterday is shown to be what it is today when a financial concern reveals that all of the froth you’ve gotten yourself worked into is just a web of words that stands in the way of you taking right action to resolve the problem that has presented itself. Keep this lesson close to your heart moving forward.


You’ve got big talk, but do the actions you choose to take match the expectations that you build for yourself and your friends with your winning and wanton words? Where this comes down to is a challenge that will emerge in a collaborative partnership that will require you to look to the ways that the trouble you have created for yourself is no match for the assistance you have from your friends.


A friend’s illness causes your heart to leap out of your chest in compassion towards them, and this interior motion reminds you once again that you are the one with the most control over the actions you choose, and the multifaceted ways in which you are perceived in this world. If you want to be perceived as a force of healing, then behave as one.


Tensions erupt in what was supposed to be a fun project when your understanding of the end goal doesn’t line up with the vision of your mentors and teachers. Those who initially seemed to be on your side may prove to be false friends when they see the way in which this weighty undertaking will contribute to your abundance. Stay true to the fixed course of your initial ideas.


A teacher takes a friend to task in a way that you haven’t quite seen since elementary school. Consider who or what comprises the “teachers” you have in your life now, and consider how watching their interactions with others in your world has been formative in showing you how to use your deep wells of intensity for good rather than for ill. What can you learn from this outburst?


Just as word of money owed came to you yesterday, the question of your extant financial obligations will generate tensions in your partnership and your professional life today as you consider the cruel teacher the bondage of debt can be. This fleeting tension will pass (it is no catastrophe waiting in the wings), and perhaps it will pass easier if you attend to the lessons your present struggles are inviting you to embody.


Once again, a trusted partner or collaborator is at your right hand today, fighting lividly on your behalf. Don’t be surprised if today’s showdown has to do with educational debt. What did you do to attract such a person into your life? And with what obligations of thanks and generosity will you show your gratitude for their presence at your side? Treasure them.


You’re still recovering from the shock of yesterday’s sudden physical setback, however minor it may be, but today your body’s harsh lesson draws your attention to the way you view a trusted partner or collaborator with an admixture of both joy and fear. By its very nature love requires sacrifice, and you realize today that your current physical illness might be the result of having over-sacrificed for the sake of enjoyment.


A desire to lay the foundations for new and exciting collaborations by entering into a creative silence will be washed out by the torrent of words levied at you by collaborators and relatives. Their complaints are not so much “about” you as they are “at” you, but assuaging them calls you to step up to the plate unexpectedly to fulfill some big-hearted obligation you didn’t know was yours in the first place.

Interested in a customized look at your unique astrological situation?

Daily Horoscopes — 27 July 2018

The cosmos has three words for you today: “Machine Wash Hot.” The Sun opposes Mars and the Moon teams up with Mars to fight the Sun (who will have nothing to do with either of them), but the Earth’s shadow cancels the Moon as she sinks into the Stygian darkness. There can be no resurrection without death in the first place, and getting the whitest whites out of your laundry requires heat, time, pressure, and a little caustic bleach.


As joyful struggle forces you to make a choice you would rather avoid, you find your debt to old friends to be the helping hand you need to decide what is most important in your life. Clarity comes in the form of listening the movements of joy within your heart, even if those very movements are antithetical to the expectations you had for yourself. Don’t make any choice lightly.


Family commitments butt up against your own limitations, and those ties that bind will demand that you allow the old expectations and ways of relating to your roots to pass away so that new collaborative opportunities may take root and flourish. Remember that permanence is an illusion; the way to life is to embrace its processes.


A false and distant friend brings word of something that they need and although your heart goes out to them, consider the extent to which this doing this friend’s emotional labor will require false words that you find yourself unable to speak today. If the rift that emerges between you strikes a fatal blow to your friendship, all is not lost—let them depart in peace, and you will find peace yourself.


A superior asks you to bite off more than you can chew, committing more of yourself to a new undertaking that excites you. Despite a desire to give them whatever it is they want, you will find that your desire to maintain your own energetic equilibrium gives you the backbone you need in order to say “no” to requests that go far beyond anything that is reasonably expected.


Who is carrying the weight of your relationship? Today’s supernal and subtle tension calls you to consider deeply the shape and flexibility of your covenanted partnerships as you feel like your over-commitment of energy is driving you to the point of loneliness. It is not wrong to ask for what you need—and today need not presage a breakup, but you will have the opportunity to lay everything on the table.


The Good Samaritan crossed the road to help the victim of the robbery in the ditch because he was unafraid to turn towards death, isolation, and ostracization in order to show mercy to one most in need of it. Today calls you to consider how your duty and your debt to others is calling you to cross into new roads to assist people whom those around you would rather you ignore.


You’ve got a clear idea as to where you want to go in your life, but today, the harsh realities of energy-sucking collaborations and a dip in your cash flow burst your luminous bubble. Recalculating your route forward may, however, provide you with a joyful opportunity to revisit and revise steps that were never going to work in the first place.


It’s a breakout day for your career but even as you find yourself flying upward you will feel the pinch that comes from a growing distance between your image of yourself and how you are perceived by those with their eye on you. Can you continue in this direction while maintaining the feral authenticity that courses underneath your still and steady surface?


Despite your natural tendency to thrust yourself far afield in pursuit of new horizons, a sense of nostalgia (and perhaps a lingering credit card bill) tether you down perhaps longer than you intended, hemming you in and pinning you to the ground. Do not fear having to hang out around your old stomping grounds, for you may uncover something you’d never seen before.


Your friends, folks, and partner all seem to be on your side today as you get into fisticuffs over money that is owed to you that causes you to make some challenging decisions. It’s important that you not lose your head, and instead utilize your now-uncanny power to act decisively and discerningly to achieve your desired result.


Your partner will offer an illuminating and challenging insight into the question of career and commitment that has been draining all of your energy in recent weeks. Do not be alarmed by how forthright your partner’s words are, and do your best not to react explosively, for it’ll take a few beats for what they have to say to land in your head and your heart.


The hangover you’re nursing today—whether from too much drink or too much emotional labor—will be a doozy, and yet, it will have an important lesson to teach you about how your own limitations. Listen to the wisdom that your body whispers to you in the quiet moments, for the body’s wisdom is as real as anything a guru could teach you.

Interested in a customized look at your unique astrological situation? Get in touch today!

Featured image from Nik MacMillan on Unsplash