Daily Horoscopes — 23 July 2018

The Moon is in a critical deadlock between Venus and Neptune—she can’t make bridge the gap between what a penned in Venus wants, who is mired in the details and zhuzhing everything to death and what Neptune wants as she continues her blasé and meandering trip through the Fishes of Disintegration. The beauty of your dreams can’t manifest—the vision risks evaporating into a cloud of contemplation.


Today you’ll find yourself feeling far away from home as your heart is pulled towards parts unknown while caught in a stalemate between competing desires: on one hand, you wish to find beauty amid the crushing ordinariness of the day to day factors that have tied you down, but on the other, this motion of the heart towards distance reawakens a latent sense of wanting to fade away—just for a season!—to let some of this tension you carry in your body untangle its choking tendrils from around you.


Beware of a stressful situation that emerges when the needs of a neighbor butt up against your own dogged intention to work hard at leisure; you might find that the demands that they make become onerous when you give them the benefit of a doubt one too many times. Don’t fall asleep to asking what’s in it for you, just because you’re feeling especially easy to get along with, lest you bite off a little more than you can chew in terms of how you handle the requests of others.


A question catches you off guard: how do you need to collaborate with someone financially to attain the lofty ideals you have set for yourself? This particular juicy tension has to do with the way your propensity to live large might be the very same iron bars that block your way. Such a tension often serves as a reality check, especially when your imagined version of who you are and where you’re headed doesn’t necessarily line up with the way things are. Embrace the juiciness of this moment: what does it teach you?


Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you feel yourself slipping today. The enormity of life’s diffuse and dynamic powers causes you to begin to shut down, too full to manage—in fact, this fullness might overflow into flagging physical energy or even sickness, and it will be all you can do in order to reach out your hand. But if you do (and you should), friends and family stand ready to help, though perhaps not without a shade of gentle admonishment for letting yourself get into this mess in the first place.


No, you cannot blow your bank account on that luxury brand you want so desperately in order to further cement your status as a self-made mogul. Because what happens when that desire passes? “There is nothing new under the sun,” and the real power you have under all that mane is to be fully possessed of yourself without the need to perform anything. Does what you want to buy actually make you a brighter, more brilliant person? Discretion is the better part of valor.


An old friend stops by your home to ask a favor that, perhaps, was never theirs to ask. The situation catches you at the crossroads of keeping the boundaries you’ve meticulously erected around your person intact and the need to practice hospitality as a means of transcendence. On one hand, who are you to judge a person’s life over the cost of a loaf of bread? But on the other hand, are you doing yourself any favors by allowing this person to take advantage of your good nature?


Word comes to you of an opportunity to escape into a new and exciting role, but the excitement might get the better of you as you are looking for ways to get out of the situation you’ve been languishing in, perhaps a bit more precipitously than is good for you. In fact, your current sufferings may be not quite so burdensome as you have allowed yourself to believe—the first step to consider, before taking action, is whether your present challenges are worth the effort that shifting into this new role will require.


A surprise boon makes its way to you, but as always, “not all that glitters is gold.” You may think this sudden gift to be heaven-sent, but you’ll find it caught between your unrealistic expectations about what is yours to play with and the reality of the way other people’s joy seems to box you into a corner. Now, if you can hold this gift with an open hand, you’ll be able to help many more souls than just yours—and your own soul will be the better for it.


A public standoff between a friend and a person from your past who doesn’t quite know where their own boundaries end and others’ begin threatens to derail you and asks you to make a tough call between your present comrades and your past commitments. Sometimes water is thicker than blood, but sometimes, those we think are our friends prove to be nothing but a drag on our energy. Whatever choice you make, make it with uncharacteristic caution, for the sake of your sanity.


Someone dear to you is in need today, caught between their need to escape into joy and their present reality of having fallen asleep in their workaday wash. They are distant, too, so helping them requires you to reach out your hand further than you thought you might ever need to stretch It, but consider the joy and the honor that will come from raising them to new heights of freedom. Cry with full voice: “awake, o sleeper—arise from the dead, and shine!”


The sufferings of a friend find their way to your compassionate ear. You want to come to their aid immediately, basin and towel in hand, but you haven’t had a realistic view of your own resources for some time, that is, what is actually in your power to do. Before charging in, beware of what might happen if you run out of steam mid-action, lest you make their situation worse by leaving it finally unresolved, and create a pickle for yourself in the process.


Be on the lookout for creative tension to emerge between an expansive opportunity to invent a new way forward in your career and the hum-drum demands for precision and poise that such opportunities carry with them. It will require more of you than you may be ready for, because you’ve been sleepwalking for the past few years, and to walk down the path less traveled by will require you to be fully present to all your gifts as well as all your sufferings. What caused you to fall asleep in the first place?

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Featured image by Georgia de Lotz

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